Americans in best holiday shopping mood in years

Yes today is Halloween, but retailers have the Christmas shopping season on their minds. And it looks like you may be in the mood to spend more than you have in the past.

The new poll from Gallup shows Americans plan to spend over $900 on Christmas gifts this year. That's up from $785 last year. Economist Vance Ginn with the Texas Public Policy Foundation tells KTRH and there's even more good news.

“More people are willing to spend as opposed to not willing to spend,” Ginn said, citing the confidence in the Trump economy as the reason for this good shopping mood.

But, this was a national poll done by Gallup, and Ginn says these numbers may not hold up here in Texas because of Hurricane Harvey.

“There may be less willingness to spend in some locations along the Gulf Coast, as many of those people are still suffering from the impacts of Hurricane Harvey and the overall recovery,” Ginn explained.

That said the projections by Gallup are at their highest levels in a decade.

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